Account Student

Route Capability Description
Get account info as a student
GET /account/student
students.self-all Get account information as a student.
Create an address as a student
POST /account/student/addresses
students.self-all Create an address as a student.
Change your address as a student
PUT /account/student/addresses/:addresses_id
students.self-all Update your address as a student.
Delete your address as a student
DELETE /account/student/addresses/:addresses_id
students.self-all Update your address as a student.
Synchronize metadata values
PUT /account/student/metadata
students.self-all DEPRECATED
List internships as a student
GET /account/student/internships
students.self-all List internships as a student.
Get component details
GET /account/student/internships/:internships_id
students.self-all Get component details of internships as a student.
Filter Internships by geolocation
POST account/student/internships/:internships_id/filter/by_geolocation
students.self-all Filter Internships by geolocation for students.
Update internship header
PUT account/student/internships/:internships_id/header
students.self-all Update preferedSchool_id as a student on an internship.
Update metadata values
PUT account/student/metadata/:studentmetadata_id
students.self-all Update metadata value.
Delete metadata values
DELETE account/student/metadata/:studentmetadata_id
students.self-all Delete metadata value.

Get account information as a student

GET account/student 
Get account information as a student.

Create an address as a student

POST account/student/addresses 

Create an address as a student.
Request attributes are the same as those of the Create a student address route.

Update your address as a student

PUT  account/student/addresses/address_id 

Update your address as a student.
Request attributes are the same as those of the Update a student address route.

Delete your address as a student

 DELETE student/addresses/:address_id 

Delete your address as a student.

Synchronize metadata values as a student

GET account/student/metadata 


List internships as a student

GET account/student/internships 

List internships as a student.

Get component details

GET account/student/internships/:internships_id 

Get component details of internships as a student.

Filter Internships by geolocation

POST account/student/internships/:internships_id/filter/by_geolocation

A student can filter his own internships to find the best internshiplocation.
After this call, a student can update the intenship header to fill in the preferred school.
This filter works the same as the Filter by Geolocation for a trainingsinstitution.

Update internship header

PUT account/student/internships/:internships_id/header

Update preferedSchool_id as a student on an internship.
This call works the same as update internship for a trainingsinstitution.

Update metadata values

PUT account/student/metadata/:studentmetadata_id

Update preferedSchool_id as a student on an internship.
This call works the same as update student metadata values for a trainingsinstitution.

Parameter Type Information
courses array A list of attached course_id's (the new courses also contain the ov/grade).
Example: [1014,2056]

Delete metadata values

DELETE account/student/metadata/:studentmetadata_id