
Route Capability Description
List Courses
GET /courses
courses-list List all Courses.
Get Courses
GET /courses/:courses_id
courses-detail Get details of a Course.
Get a Course by studyoption
GET /courses/studyoptions/:studyoptions_id
courses-list Get Courses by studyoption. [DEPRECATED]

List Courses

GET courses 

List all Courses.

Since Onderwijsvormitems is deprecated, the course object now holds the course name, the ov (onderwijsvorm) and the degree (graad). When searching with name query Aadrijkskunde, you will now have multiple results, one for each combination of the course with the ov and the degree.

All those 'new' migrated courses still connect to their 'old' existing course through parent_id. This can be used for mapping purposes when updating your client to this new implementation.

When searching with only name, all parent courses with their children will be returned.

When searching (in combination) with degree and/or ov, no parents will be returned, only the specific found courses.

When searching with findParents, it will also return the parent when searching with degree and/or ov.


Parameter Type Information
name string Search Courses by Course name.
Variantsname_startswith and name_contains
filter_by string Filter Courses by status. Standard on active
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
sort_column string

Sort Courses. Standard on name
Allowed Valuesname

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

type string

Value of parent or child.

degree string

Filter by courses having specific degree.

ov string

Filter by courses having specific onderwijsvorm.

Beware: for the first and second grade, the OV can contain spaces which should be passed as "%20"
E.g.: "D/A - TSO" should be passed as "D/A%20-%20TSO"

findParents boolean

Return the parent courses with all there children.


Request: GET /courses?organization_id=177&ov=A%20-%20BSO&degree=2&name_startswith=Aard

Repsonse 200:
    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": [
            "id": 1621,
            "name": "Aardrijkskunde",
            "degree": "2",
            "ov": "A - BSO",
            "parent_id": 2,
            "parent_name": "Aardrijkskunde"
    "page_context": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "limit": "25",
        "applied_filter": "active",
        "sort_column": "name",
        "sort_order": "ASC"

Get a Course

 GET courses/:courses_id

Get details of a Course.

Response 200

"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
    "id": 1614,
    "name": "Aardrijkskunde",
    "degree": "1",
    "ov": "A + B Stroom",
    "has_internshipcomponents": 13747, // NEW: the amount of coupled internshipComponents
    "parent_id": 2,
    "parent_name": "Aardrijkskunde"

Get a Course by studyoption [DEPRECATED]

 GET courses/studyoptions/:studyoptions_id 

Get Courses by studyoption.