Internships Batch Actions

With Batch Actions you can handle an action for multiple internships in one request.
In the background of the API, there is a queue running to handle all these batch items.
When a batch job failes, the user will get a message in his inbox.

Route Capability Description
Inactivate Multiple Internships
POST /internships/batch/inactive
internships-activation Inactivate multiple internships.
Activate Multiple internships
POST /internships/batch/active
internships.timeline-details Activate multiple internships.
Send Multiple Internships to student
POST /internships/batch/status-student
internships.status-update Send multiple internships to student.
Set Multiple Internship back to "concept".
POST /internships/batch/status-concept
internships.status-update Remove access student for multiple internships.
Clone Internships to multiple students
POST /internships/batch/clone
internships-create Clone an internship to multiple students. 
Only for templates student_profileable will be merged with the Students metadataitems.
Transfer Internships
POST /internships/batch/status-transfer
internships.status-update Transfer multiple internships to another trainingsinstitution.
Transfer And Accept Internships
POST /internships/batch/status-transferAndAccept
internships.status-update Transfer and Accept multiple internships to another trainingsinstitution.
Add Mentor(s) to Internship(s)
POST internships/batch/mentors
internships.mentors-update Add multiple Mentors to multiple Internships.
The mentor(s) will get an email notification (if enabled) with
the details for that internship.
Remove Mentor(s) from Internship(s)
DELETE internships/batch/mentors
internships.mentors-update Remove multiple Mentors from multiple Internships.
The mentor(s) will get an email notification (if enabled) that
they are removed as mentor from this internship.

Inactivate Multiple Internships

POST /internships/batch/inactive 

Inactivate multiple internships. The Internships must be editable.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value

Sample Request


Activate Multiple Internships

POST /internships/batch/active 

Activate multiple internships. The Internships must be editable.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value

Sample Request


Send Multiple Internships to student

POST /internships/batch/status-student 

Send multiple internships to student. The Internships must contain student(s) and must be editable.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value

Sample Request


Set Multiple Internship back to "concept".

POST /internships/batch/status-concept 

Remove access student for multiple internships. The Internships must be editable.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value

Sample Requests


Clone Internships to multiple students

POST /internships/batch/clone 

Clone an internship to multiple students.
Only for templates student_profileable will be merged with the Students metadataitems.

Request attributes

internship integer use internships_id as value
students array use students_id as value

Sample Requests


Transfer Internships to other trainingsinstitution

POST internships/batch/status-transfer 

Transfer Internships to an other trainingsinstitution
Only if transferable is set to 1 on internship.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value
school_id integer use school_id as value, only if you have access to this school

Sample Requests


Transfer And Accept Internships to other trainingsinstitution

POST internships/batch/status-transferAndAccept 

Transfer And Accept status for multiple Internships to an other trainingsinstitution
Only if transferable is set to 1 on internship.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value
school_id integer use school_id as value, only if you have access to this school

Sample Requests


Add Mentor(s) to Internship(s)

POST internships/batch/mentors 

Add multiple Mentors to multiple Internships.
The mentor(s) will get an email notification (if enabled) with
the details for that internship.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value
mentors_id array use mentors_id as value

Sample Requests


Remove Mentor(s) from Internship(s)

DELETE internships/batch/mentors 

Remove multiple Mentors from multiple Internships.
The mentor(s) will get an email notification (if enabled) that
they are removed as mentor from this internship.

Request attributes

internships array use internships_id as value
mentors_id array use mentors_id as value

Sample Requests
