Internships Components

Route Capability Description
Component codes A list with all component codes.
Create a component for an Internship
POST /internships/:internships_id/components
internships-create Create a component for an Internship.
Get details of a component of an Internship
GET /internships/:internships_id/components/components_id
internships-list Get details of a component of an Internship.
Delete the component of an Internship
DELETE /internships/:internships_id/components/components_id
internships-create Delete the component of an Internship.
Update the component of an Internship
PUT /internships/:internships_id/components/components_id
internships-update Update the component of an Internship.

Component codes

A list with all component codes.

Status format Description
A100 Observation
A200 Participation
A300 Active
A400 Independent
B100 Meso

Create a component for an internship

 POST /internships/:internships_id/components 

Create the component for an internship.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


required, Allowed ValuesA100, A200, A300, A400, B100
volume int
volume_information string
information string
periods array required
periods.* TimeStamp required
courses array The courses for the internship
Example: [1415,3086]
CAUTION: Since the courses endpoint now returns a course_id per course_name/ov/grade, there is no more need to add studyoption in this request(is deprecated now).
Until fall of 2021 the old method (current course_id's and manually given studyoptions) can still be used as well.
student_fillables array The fields a student can fill in
Allowed Valuesperiods, volume, volume_information, (studyoptions deprecated), courses,information
Deprecated Values: studyoptions
student_profileable array Only for templates
Allowed Valuescourses,null* array

Only for templates
values in array courses must be studentmetadataitems_id and not courses_id

Get details of a component of an internship

 GET /internships/:internships_id/components/components_id 

Get details of a component of an internship.

Delete the component of an internship

 DELETE /internships/:internships_id/components/components_id 

Delete the component of an internship.

Update the component of an internship

 PUT /internships/:internships_id/components/components_id 

Update the component of an internship.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
volume int
volume_information string
information string
periods array required
periods.* TimeStamp required
student_fillables array The fields a student can fill in
Allowed Valuesperiods, volume, volume_information, (studyoptions deprecated), courses,information
Deprecated Values: studyoptions
student_profileable array Only for templates
Allowed Valuescourses,null* array

Only for templates
values in array courses must be studentmetadataitems_id and not courses_id