
Route Capability Description
Internship Details
GET /internships/:internships_id
internships-list Get detail of an internship.
Export Internship PDF
GET /internships/:internships_id/PDF
internships-list Export internship to PDF and get the result in base64.
Get the timeline details of an Internship
GET internships//internships_id/timeline
internships.timeline-details Get timeline details of an Internship.
Create a header for an Internship
POST /internships/header
internships-create Create the header for an Internship.
Update the header of an Internship
PUT /internships/:internships_id/header
internships-update Update the header of an Internship.
Mark as active
POST /internships/:internships_id/active
internships-activation Mark an internship as active.
Mark as inactive
POST /internships/:internships_id/inactive
internships-activation Mark an internship as inactive.
Clone Internships
POST /internships/:internships_id/clone
internships-create Clone an Internship.
Create a template for Internships by id
POST /internships/:internships_id/template
internships-create Create a template for an Internship by id.
Synchronize students for an Internship
PUT /internships/:internships_id/students
internships-create Sync Students for an Internship.
Allow students to see messages for an internship
POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-academy-on
internships-update Allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from academy side. (messages will be visible for students when both academy and secondary school allow this)
Don't allow students to see messages for an internship
POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-academy-off
internships-update Don't allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from academy side. (messages will be visible for students when both academy and secondary school allow this)
Allow students to see messages for an internship
POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-secondary-school-on
internships-update Allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from secondary school side. (messages will be visible for students when both academy and secondary school allow this)
Don't allow students to see messages for an internship
POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-secondary-school-off
internships-update Don't allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from secondary school side. (messages will be visible for students when both academy and secondary school allow this)

Internship Detail

GET internships/:internships_id 

Get detail of an internship.
There are new fields such as Locked, student_profileable.
When an internship is locked, you can not edit the internship until the system unlocked this internship.

Export Internship PDF

GET internships/:internships_id/PDF 

Export internship to PDF.

Get timeline details of an internship

GET  internships//internships_id/timeline 

Get timeline details of an internship.

Create a header for an internship

POST internships/header

Create a header for internships.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


description string
remark string
template int Allowed Values01
student_fillables array required
Allowed Valuesnullremark,preferredSchool_id,transferable
preferredSchool_id int schools_id from active schools
acceptanceMailDate date Validation: date_format:Y-m-d|after:yesterday
refusalMailDate date Validation: date_format:Y-m-d|after:yesterday
transferable int Validation:0 or 1.
message_visibility_academy int Validation:0 or 1.

Update the header of an internship

 PUT /internships/:internships_id/header 

Update the header of an internship.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


description string
remark string
template int Allowed Values01
student_fillables array required
Allowed Valuesnullremark,preferredSchool_id,transferable
preferredSchool_id int schools_id from active schools
acceptanceMailDate date Validation: date_format:Y-m-d|after:yesterday
refusalMailDate date Validation: date_format:Y-m-d|after:yesterday
transferable int Validation:0 or 1.
message_visibility_academy int Validation:0 or 1.

Mark as active

POST internships/:internships_id/active 

Mark an internship as active.

Mark as inactive

POST internships/:internships_id/inactive 

Mark an internship as inactive.

Clone internships by id

POST internships/:internships_id/clone

Clone internships by id.

Create a template for internships by id

POST internships/:internships_id/template

Create a template for internships by id.

Synchronize Students for an Internship

PUT internships/:internships_id/students 

Sync Students for an Internship.

Send an Internship

POST internships/:internships_id/send 

Send an Internship.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information



Allow students to see messages for an internship (academy)

POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-academy-on 

Allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from academy side.

Don't allow students to see messages for an internship (academy)

POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-academy-off 

Don't allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from academy side.

Allow students to see messages for an internship (secondary school)

POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-secondary-school-on 

Allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from secondary school side.

Don't allow students to see messages for an internship (secondary school)

POST /internships/{id}/message-visibility-secondary-school-off 

Don't allow students to see messages for an internship. This is the approval from secondary school side.