Internships Notes

Route Capability Description
Add note to Internship
POST /internships/:internships_id/note
internships.notes-create Add a note to the internship.
React to an existing note
POST /internships/:internships_id/note/:note_id
internships.notes-create React to an existing note.

Add a note to the internship

 POST internships/:internships_id/note 

Add a note to a certain internship.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
user_id int
internship_id int
subject string required
body longtext required
private tinyint
active int
organization_id int
attachment_id int
parent_id int

React to an existing note

 POST internships/:internships_id/note/:note_id 

React to an existing note.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
user_id int
internship_id int
subject string required
body longtext required
private tinyint
active int
organization_id int
attachment_id int
parent_id int