Internships Statusses

Route Capability Description
Status Format A list with all status formats.
Set the status of an internship to "more information"
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/information
internships.status-update Set the status of an internship to "more information".
Set the status of an internship to "processing"
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/processing
internships.status-update Set the status of an internship to "processing".
Set the status of an internship to "accept"
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/accept
internships.status-update Set the status of an internship to "accept".
Set the status of an internship to "deny"
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/deny
internships.status-update Set the status of an internship to "deny".
Set the status of an internship to "cancel"
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/cancel
internships.status-update Set the status of an internship to "cancel".
Send the internship to a student
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/student
internships.status-update Send the internship to a student.
Set the internship back to "concept".
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/concept
internships.status-update Set the internship from "send to student" back to "concept".
Set the internship back to "concept" as a student.
POST /account/student/internships/internships_id/status/concept
students.self-all [DEPRECATED] Set the internship from "send to student" back to "concept" as a student.

Please replace this request by Set the internship to "filled in by student" as a student

Set the internship to status "filled in by student".
POST /internships/:internships_id/status/filled-in-by-student
internships.status-update Set the internship from "send to student" to "filled in by student".
Set the internship to "filled in by student" as a student.
POST /account/student/internships/:internships_id/status/filled-in-by-student
students.self-all Set the internship from "send to student" to "filled in by student" as a student.

Status stages

A list with all status formats.

Status format Description
A100 Concept
A110 Sent to student
A120 Sent back to organization as "filled in by student"
A200 To be send
A300 Template
B100 Sent to school
B200 More information
B300 Processing
C100 Completely accepted
C110 Completely accepted but in another trainingsinstitution
C200 Partly accepted
C300 Denied
C400 Cancelled

Set the status of an internship to "more information"

POST internships/:internships_id/status/information 

Set the status of an internship to "more information".

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
B100 B200
B200 B200
B200 B200

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Set the status of an internship to "processing"

 POST internships/:internships_id/status/processing

Set the status of an internship to "processing".

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
B100 B300
B200 B300
B200 B300

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Set the status of an internship to "accept"

 POST internships/:internships_id/status/accept

Set the status of an internship to "accept".

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
B100 C100
B200 C100
B200 C100

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Set the status of an internship to "deny"

 POST internships/:internships_id/status/deny

Set the status of an internship to "deny".

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
B100 C300
B200 C300
B200 C300

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Set the status of an internship to "cancel"

 POST internships/:internships_id/status/cancel

Set the status of an internship to "cancel".

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
B100 C400
B200 C400
B200 C400
C100 C400
C300 C400

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Send the internship to a student

 POST internships/:internships_id/status/student

Send the internship to a student.

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
A100 A110

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Set the internship back to "concept"

 POST internships/:internships_id/status/student

Set the internship from "send to student" back to "concept".

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
A110 A100
A200 A100

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

[DEPRECATED] Set the internship back to "concept" as a student

Please replace this request by Set the internship to "filled in by student" as a student

 POST account/student/internships/internships_id/status/concept

Set the internship from "send to student" back to "concept" as a student.

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
A110 A100
A200 A100

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Set the internship to "filled in by student"

 POST internships/:internships_id/status/filled-in-by-student

Set the internship from "send to student" to "filled in by student".

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
A110 A100
A200 A100

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver

Set the internship to "filled in by student" as a student

 POST account/student/internships/:internships_id/status/filled-in-by-student

Set the internship from "send to student" to "filled in by student" as a student.

From what status can this call be made?

Call status from Sets status to
A110 A100
A200 A100

Who can use this call?

Sender Receiver