Organization Contracts

Route Capability Description
List default contracts
GET organizations/{organization_id}/contracts/default
contract-manage List default contracts.
Get detail default contract.
GET organizations/{organization_id}/contracts/default/{contract_id}
contract-manage Get detail default contract.
Clone default contract.
POST organizations/{organization_id}/contracts/default/{contract_id}/clone
contract-manage Clone a default contract to own organization. It is not possible to create a blank contract.
List contracts for an organization.
GET organizations/{organization_id}/contracts
contract-manage Get contracts for an organization.
Show contract for organization.
GET contracts/{contract_id}
contract-manage Get details contract from an organization.
Activate contract.
POST contracts/{contract_id}/active
contract-manage Activate contract.
Inactivate contract.
POST contracts/{contract_id}/inactive
contract-manage Inactivate contract.
Sample Merge contract.
GET contracts/{contract_id}/sample
contract-manage Sample merge contract with demo data.
Update contract.
PUT contracts/{contract_id}
contract-manage Update contract, with variable fields that are merged.

List default contracts

GET organizations/{organization_id}/contracts/default

List all default contracts without pagination.

Get detail default contract

GET organizations/{organization_id}/contracts/default/{contract_id}

Get detail default contract.

Clone default contract

POST organizations/{organization_id}/contracts/default/{contract_id}/clone 

Clone a default contract to own organization. It is not possible to create a blank contract.

List contracts for an organization

GET organizations/{organization_id}/contracts 

List with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
name string Search contracts by name.
Variantsname_startswith and name_contains
body string Search contracts by body.
Variantsbody_startswith and body_contains
filter_by string Filter contracts by current status. Standard on active
Allowed Valuesactiveinactive, all
sort_column string

Sort contracts. Standard on name
Allowed Valuesname, body

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

search_text string Filter contracts on name or body .

Show contract for organization

GET contracts/{contract_id}

Get detail contract.

Activate contract for organization

POST contracts/{contract_id}/active

Activate contract.

Inactivate contract for organization

POST contracts/{contract_id}/inactive

Inactivate contract.

Sample merge contract for organization

GET contracts/{contract_id}/sample

Create a sample merge call for a contract with demo content.

Update contract for organization

PUT contracts/{contract_id}

Update contract, with variable fields that are merged.

Variable fields

Variable Type Information
#lerarenopleiding.naam string Name from trainings institution.
#lerarenopleiding.adres string Address from trainings institution.
#lerarenopleiding.verantwoordelijkeNaam string Responsible contact person name from trainings institution.
#lerarenopleiding.coordinatorNaam string Coordinator name from trainings institution.
#lerarenopleiding.coordinatorEmail email Coordinator email from trainings institution.
#lerarenopleiding.coordinatorTelefoon string Coordinator phone from trainings institution.
#lerarenopleiding.logo base64/image Logo from trainings institution.
#lerarenopleiding.vrijeTekst string Free text contracts for trainings institution.
#school.naam string Name from trainings location.
#school.adres string Address from trainings location.
#school.mentorNaam string Name mentor from trainings location.
#school.mentorEmail email Email mentor from trainings location.
#school.mentorTelefoon string Phone mentor from trainings location.
#school.verantwoordelijkeNaam string Responsible contact person name from trainings location.
#school.verantwoordelijkeFunctie string Responsible contact person function from trainings location.
#school.verantwoordelijkeEmail email Responsible contact person email from trainings location.
#school.verantwoordelijkeTelefoon string Responsible contact person phone from trainings location.
#school.verantwoordelijkeTelefoon2 string Responsible contact person phone2 from trainings location.
#school.ondernemingsnummer string Ondernemingsnummer from trainings location.
#school.instellingsnummers string Instellingsnummers from trainings location.
#school.logo base64/image Logo from trainings location.
#student.naam string Name student email Email student
#student.telefoon2 string Phone student
#student.adres string Address student
#stage.dagen integer Count of days for internship.
#stage.startDatum date Start Date for internship.
#stage.eindDatum date End Date for internship.