
Schools are special objects. They extends the object Organization.
e.g. GET /organizations/:schools_id returns the same result as GET /schools/:schools_id
e.g.2 POST /Organizations/:schools_id/addresses adds an address to the object School.

Route Capability Description
List Schools
GET /schools
schools-list List all Schools with pagination.
Get Schools
GET /schools/:schools_id
schools-detail Get details of a School.
Get the studyoptions
GET /schools/:schools_id/studyoptions
schools.studyoptions-list Get the Studyoptions within a School.
List school Internships
GET /schools/:schools_id/internships
schools.internships-list List all School Internships.
List students
GET schools/:schools_id/internships-students
schools.internships-list List all students for schools without pagination.

List Schools

GET schools 

List all Schools with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
name string Search Schools by Schools name.
Variantsname_startswith and name_contains
filter_by string Filter Students by status. Standard on active
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
sort_column string

Sort Schools. Standard on name
Allowed Valuesname

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

Get School

GET /schools/:schools_id 

Get details of a School.

Get Studyoptions

GET /schools/:schools_id/studyoptions 

Get the Studyoptions within a School.

List School Internships

GET /schools/:schools_id/internships 

List School Internships with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
name string Search Schools by Schools name.
Variantsname_startswith and name_contains
filter_by string Filter Internships by current status. Standard on all
Allowed ValuesA100A110, A200A300B100, B200B300C100C110, C200C300C400
sort_column string

Sort Internships. Standard on status_updated_at
Allowed Valuestitle, created_at, status_updated_at

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on DESC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

mentors array

Filter internships on multiple mentors

internships array

Filter internships on internship id.

List Students

GET schools/:schools_id/internships-students

List All Students without pagination.