School Mentors

Mentors is an object that is created only for trainingsinstitutions (schools)
so they can add multiple mentors to an internship.
The mentor(s) will get an email notification (if enabled) with
the details for that internship.

Route Capability Description
List Mentors
GET /mentors
schools.mentors-list List all Mentors with pagination.
Get Mentor
GET /mentors/:mentor_id
schools.mentors-detail Get details of a Mentor.
Create a Mentor
POST /mentors
schools.mentors-create Create a Mentor.
Update a Mentor
PUT /mentors/:mentor_id
schools.mentors-update Update a Mentor.
Mark a Mentor as active
POST /mentors/:mentor_id/active
schools.mentors-activation Activate a Mentor.
Mark a Mentor as inactive
POST /mentors/:mentor_id/inactive
schools.mentors-activation Inactivate a Mentor.
Mark multiple Mentors as visible
POST /mentors/visible-on
schools.mentors-update Mark multiple Mentors as visible for students.
Mark multiple Mentors as invisible
POST /mentors/visible-off
schools.mentors-update Mark multiple Mentors as invisible for students.

List Mentors

GET mentors 

List all Mentors with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
firstName string Search Mentors by firstName.
VariantsfirstName_startswith and firstName_contains
lastName string Search Mentors by lastName.
VariantslastName_startswith and lastName_contains
email email Search Mentors by email.
Variantsemail_startswith and email_contains
filter_by string Filter Mentors by status. Standard on active
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
search_text string Search Mentors by firstName or lastName.
sort_column string

Sort Schools. Standard on name
Allowed ValuesfirstName, lastName,email

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

Get Mentor

GET /mentors/:mentor_id 

Get details of a Mentor.

Create a Mentor

POST /mentors 

Create multiple Mentors with given information.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
mentors array required
mentors.firstName string
mentors.lastName string
required string
required, must be unique, must be email format

Sample Request

	   "email": "",
	   "firstName": "Theo",
	   "lastName": "Franssen"
	   "email": "",
	   "firstName": "Elsie",
	   "lastName": "Verstraeten"

Update a Mentor

PUT /mentors/:mentor_id 

Update an existing Mentor with given information.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
firstName string
lastName string
email string
required, must be unique, must be email format

Mark as Active

POST /mentors/:mentor_id/active 

Mark a Mentor as active.

Mark as Inactive

POST /mentors/:mentor_id/inactive 

Mark a Mentor as inactive.

Enable visible

POST mentors/visible-on 

Enable the field visible on multiple Mentors.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
mentors array An array of mentor_id that exists in the organization where you are working for.
Sample Request


Enable invisible

POST mentors/visible-off 

Disable the field visible on multiple Mentors.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
mentors array An array of mentor_id that exists in the organization where you are working for.
Sample Request
