Settlement studyoptions

Route Capability Description
Get settlement studyoptions by id
GET /settlement_studyoption/:settlement_studyoption_id
organizations.studyoptions-list Get details of a Settlement Studyoption.
Update an Organization id
PUT /settlement_studyoption/:settlement_studyoption_id
organizations.studyoptions-update Update an Organization id for an existing Settlement Studyoption.

Get Settlement Studyoptions by id

GET settlement_studyoption/:settlement_studyoption_id 

Get details of a Settlement Studyoption.

Update a Settlement Studyoption

PUT  settlement_studyoption/:settlement_studyoption_id 

Update an existing Settlement Studyoption.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


required, must be a valid organization id you are authorized for.