Internship Periods

Route Capability Description
List Internship Periods
GET /settings/internshipperiods
internships.periods-list List all internship periods.
Get Internship Periods
GET /settings/:internshipperiods_id
internships.periods-detail Get details of an internship period.
Create an Internship Period
POST /settings/internshipperiods
internships.periods-create Create an internship period with given information.
Update an Internship Period
PUT /settings/internshipperiods/:internshipperiods_id
internships.periods-update Update an existing Internship Period.
Mark as active
POST /settings/internshipperiods/:internshipperiods_id/active
internships.periods-activation Mark an internship period as active.
Mark as inactive
POST /settings/internshipperiods/:internshipperiods_id/inactive
internships.periods-activation Mark an internship period as inactive.

List internship periods

GET internshipperiods 

List all internship periods.


Parameter Type Information
description string
Search internship periods by description.
Variantsdescription_startswith and description_contains
started_at timestamp
Search internship periods by internship period started at.
Variantsstarted_at_startswith and started_at_contains
ended_at timestamp
Search internship periods by internship period ended at.
Variantsended_at_startswith and ended_at_contains
sendet_from timestamp
Search internship periods by internship period sent from.
Variantssendet_from_startswith and sendet_from_contains
sendet_until timestamp
Search internship periods by internship period sent until.
Variantssendet_until_startswith and sendet_until_contains
filter_by string Filter internship periods by status. Standard on active.
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
sort_column string

Sort internship periods. Standard on description
Allowed Valuesdescription, started_at, ended_at, sendet_from, sendet_until

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed Values: ASC,DESC

Get Internship periods

GET /settings/:internshipperiods_id 

Get details of an internship period.

Create an Internship Period

POST /settings/internshipperiods 

Create an Internship Period with given information.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


started_at Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s
ended_at Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s
sendet_from Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s
sendet_until Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s

Update an Internship Period

PUT /settings/internshipperiods/:internshipperiods_id 

Update an existing Internship Period.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


started_at Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s
ended_at Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s
sendet_from Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s
sendet_until Timestamp
required, format: Y-m-d H:i:s

Mark as active

 POST /settings/internshipperiods/:internshipperiods_id/active 

Mark an internship period as active.

Mark as inactive

 POST /settings/internshipperiods/:internshipperiods_id/inactive 

Mark an internship period as inactive.