Students metadata

Route Capability Description
List Metadataitems
GET /studentmetadata
students.metadata-list List all Students' Metadataitems with pagination.
Get Metadataitems
GET /studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id
students.metadata-detail Get details of a Student's Metadata.
Create Metatadaitems
POST /studentmetadata
students.metadata-create Create multiple Metadataitems with given information.
Update a Metadataitem
PUT /studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id
students.metadata-update Update an existing Metadataitem.
Mark as active
POST /studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id/active
students.metadata-activation Mark a Student's Metadataitem as active.
Mark as inactive
POST /studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id/inactive
students.metadata-activation Mark a Student's Metadataitem as inactive.

List Metadataitems

GET studentmetadata 

List all Student's Metadataitems with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
description string Search Students' Metadataitems by description.
Variantsdescription_startswith and description_contains
filter_by string Filter Students' Metadataitems by status.
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
sort_column string

Sort Metadataitems. Standard on description
Allowed Valuesdescription

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

type int Filter by Type
Allowed Values1,2

Get Metdataitems

GET studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id 

Get details of a student's metadataitems.

Create Metadataitems

POST studentmetadata 

Create multiple Metadataitems with given information.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
destription string
type int If the type is set to 1, the value of this metadataitem must be a string
If the type is set to 2, the value of this metadataitem must be an active course_id
Allowed Values1 (standard),2(courses)

Update a Metadataitem

PUT  studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id 

Update an existing Metadataitem.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
destription string
type int If the type is set to 1, the value of this metadataitem must be a string
If the type is set to 2, the value of this metadataitem must be an active course_id
Allowed Values1 (standard),2(courses)

Mark as active

POST studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id/active 

Mark a Student's Metadataitem as active.

Mark as inactive

POST studentmetadata/:studentmetadata_id/inactive 

Mark a Student's Metadataitem as inactive.