NEW in Version 5.10.1

Object Route Description
Internship current_status
C110 Internship is accepted in another trainingsinstitution.
Transfer Internships
POST internships/batch/status-transfer Transfer multiple internships to another trainingsinstitution.
Transfer and Accept Internships
POST internships/batch/status-transferAndAccept Transfer and set statuscode to accept for multiple internships to another trainingsinstitution.

CHANGED in Version 5.10.1

Object Route Description
Courses updated date
GET organizations
GET organizations/{organization_id}
GET /internships/{internships_id}/filter/by_geolocation
Returns an extra field courses_updated_at.
Internships Transferable
GET organizations/{organization_id}/internships
GET internships/{internship_id}
Returns an extra field transferable.
If the value:1, a trainingsinstitution can transfer the internship to another trainingsinstitution.
Create internship header
POST internships/header

There is a new field, not mandatory.
transferable. Values can be 0 or 1.
If the value:1, a trainingsinstitution can transfer the internship to another trainingsinstitution.
student_fillables can also contain transferable, in this case a student can update the field.

Update internship header
PUT internships/{internship_id}/header

There is a new field, not mandatory.
transferable. Values can be 0 or 1.
If the value:1, a trainingsinstitution can transfer the internship to another trainingsinstitution.
student_fillables can also contain transferable, in this case a student can update the field.

List Internships
GET organizations/{organization_id}/internships Filter on current_statuscode
is changed to an array so you can search on multiple statuscodes.

DEPRECATED in Version 5.10.1

Object Route Description