NEW in Version 6.1.6

Object Route Description
A new object Mentors is created for trainingsinstitutions
so they can add multiple mentors to an internship.
Add Mentor(s) to Internship(s)
POST internships/batch/mentors
Add multiple Mentors to multiple Internships.
The mentor(s) will get an email notification (if enabled) with
the details for that internship.
Remove Mentor(s) from Internship(s)
DELETE internships/batch/mentors
Remove multiple Mentors from multiple Internships.
The mentor(s) will get an email notification (if enabled) that
the are removed as mentor from this internship.
Export Internship PDF
GET /internships/:internships_id/PDF
Export internship to PDF and get the result in base64.
DEMO: Export Articles to PDF
GET /demo/articles/PDF
Export Articles to PDF and get the result in base64.
Delete metadata values as student
DELETE /account/student/metadata/:studentmetadata_id
Delete metadata values as student

CHANGED in Version 6.1.6

Object Route Description
Filter internships on multiple internship id
GET /organizations/:organizations_id/internships
Filter on multiple internship_id
Filter internships on multiple internship id
GET /schools/:school_id/internships
Filter on multiple internship_id
Get details of a message in the inbox
GET /account/inbox/:message_id
API returns the body of a note.
List inbox with pagination
GET /account/inbox/:message_id
New parameter organizations to filter inbox for multiple organizations.

DEPRECATED in Version 6.1.6

Object Route Description