NEW in Version 5.5.7

Object Route Description
Response 451
N/A Added http response 451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons.
Privacy Disclaimer
GET /account/privacy-disclaimer
POST /account/privacy-disclaimer
Get thet latest Privacy Disclaimer from
Agree the Privacy Disclaimer
Delete messages
POST account/inbox/delete-messages Delete multiple messages in the users inbox
Restore messages
POST account/inbox/undelete-messages Restore multiple messages in the users inbox
Mark messages as read
POST account/inbox/read-messages Mark multiple messages as read in the users inbox.
Mark messages as unread
POST account/inbox/unread-messages Mark multiple messages as unread in the users inbox.
Notifications settings for messages
PUT account/me/notify-messages Notifications settings for messages to personal mailbox.
List all trainingsinstitutions
GET organizations/list-trainingInstitution List all trainingsinstitutions without pagination.
List all schools
GET organizations/list-schools List all schools without pagination.
List all students
GET students/list-students List all students for trainingsinstitutions without pagination.
List all students
GET schools/{schoolid}/internships-students List all students for schools without pagination.
Filter Internships by geolocation (students) GET account/student/internships/{internship_id}/filter/by_geolocation Filter Internships by geolocation for students.
Update internship header (students) PUT account/student/internships/{internship_id}/header Update preferedSchool_id as a student on an internship.
Internship Batch Actions POST internships/batch/inactive
POST internships/batch/active
POST internships/batch/status-student
POST internships/batch/status-concept
POST internships/batch/clone

Inactivate multiple internships.
Activate multiple internships.
Send multiple internships to student.
Remove access student for multiple internships.
Clone an internship to multiple students.
Only for templates student_profileable will be merged with the Students metadataitems.
Get Courses (student) GET account/settings/courses Get all the active courses without pagination.
Update metadata values PUT students/{student_id}/metadata/{studentmetadata_id} Update metadata value.
Update metadata values (student) PUT account/student/metadata/{studentmetadata_id} Update metadata value.

CHANGED in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description
List inbox for a user
GET account/inbox There is an inbox with active messages,
New: list inbox with deleted messages (recycle bin)
List internships
GET organizations/{organization_id}/internships
There are multiple possibilities to filter internships from the list.

There are new fields such as Locked , student_profileable
Get internship details
GET internships/{internship_id} There are new fields such as Locked, student_profileable.
When an internship is locked, you can not edit the internship until the system unlocked this internship.
Create internship header
POST internships/header

There are new fields, some are mandatory.
Insert preferedSchool_id as a student on an internship.
Insert preferedSchool_id in student_fillables.

Update internship header
PUT internships/{internship_id}/header

There are new fields, some are mandatory.
Update preferedSchool_id for a student on an internship.
Insert preferedSchool_id in student_fillables

Filter internships by geolocation
GET internships/{internship_id}/filter/by_geolocation There are multiple possibilities to filter schools from the list. The result output is also changed.
Students Metadata GET studentmetadata
GET studentmetadata/{studentmetadata_id}
POST studentmetadata
PUT studentmetadata/{studentmetadata_id}
You can filter on the new field 'type'.
There is a new field 'type'.
There is a new field 'type': default value '1' in 1, 2 (courses).
There is a new field 'type': default value '1' in 1, 2 (courses).
Create internship component POST internships/{internship_id}/components NEW: use student_profileable in templatecomponents.
Update internship component PUT internships/{internship_id}/components/{component_id} NEW: use student_profileable in templatecomponents.

DEPRECATED in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description
Filter internships by school
GET /internships/{internship_id}/filter/by_schools Searching in the filter is now possible in filter by geo location
Synchronize metadata values PUT students/{student_id}/metadata There is a new route for editing the metadata.
Synchronize metadata values (student) PUT /account/student/metadata There is a new route for editing the metadata.